Journalistic confessions...the irony of it all...

Scrolling randomly down the list of blogs we were supplied with, I closed my eyes and clicked on a blog called Confession of a Journ Student ( ). Aesthetically, the blog is rather plain. I’d even venture to use the word dour to describe it. It seems that the bloggers chose to merely retain the basic template they initially chose, opting not to alter it in any way. Unfortunately, it makes the blog itself look rather average and not at all eye-catching. In comparison with the vibrant and well co-ordinate aesthetic structure of a blog like Revolution Readers (, this blog is lax in its presentation.

In terms of content, I was pleasantly amused. A lot of the posts (primarily by one of the bloggers) are about drinking at Rhodes. Not a critique of it, but rather his own drunken exploits. And interesting read, I must admit. In terms of entertainment I’d have to commend this blog. However, in terms of irony and hypocrisy they would rank far higher. There is another post on the blog entitled “Stereotyping Stereotypical Stereotypes is a no no!”. After reading this I felt the insatiable urge to find this particular blogger and ask him if he did not consider himself to be a ‘stereotypical’ Rhodes student. Such inconsistencies in thought-processes leads one to become slightly sceptical about the blog.

However, a lot of the blog is entertaining and, on occasion, well researched. A post which stands out among the rest (in my opinion) is “Market value degrees will result into a total screw up of life…Ubuntu”. While not exactly full of grammatical genius (the title itself shows some grammatical inadequacies), the article itself, while being critical, is cleverly written and well thought out. If only the entirety of the blog was like this.


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