Joe Wilson's Heroic Effort

by Kate Couzyn

On September 9th, Republican Joe Wilson let his emotions run away with him and shouted out “You lie!” in the middle of Obama’s speech to Congress. There’s been a lot of controversy in America since Obama launched his campaign to provide free health care for all American citizens. Many, however, believe that this care is also intended to be given to illegal immigrants and non-citizens. ( paints Wilson in a negative light. They focus on the reaction of the public, of other congressmen and of members of Wilson’s own party –all of whom have condemned him for the outburst. The article even goes so far as to call Wilson “contrite”, which assumes that he is in fact sorry. Of course America doesn’t see any aspect but the negative on the subject. Obama is their newest hero, and the only really positive result – politically, that they have enjoyed in years.
But they fail to see the bravery Wilson exposed that day. I’m not saying I agree with him, but I do think that Obamarama has been taken too far and people need to be a little less tenacious about him. Joe Wilson may have broken the conventions of Congress, but the world needs more politicians who care enough about their cause to get worked up and angry. ( takes a more relaxed approach. They realise that many Americans feel the way Wilson does, and they should be considered. The most interesting analysis of the incident, I feel, comes from a blog entitled Truth and Common Sense ( Here, the typical republican view is voiced, and you know it’s not all that inaccurate. I admire Wilson’s passion, though not his dogma –but then Obama is just as dogmatic isn’t he.


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