Jokes: Comical or just plain sad?

In most cases, jokes are often used to break the ice in rather tense and awkward situations. People use comical comebacks as a weapon and social queue for those who may be seen as socially inapt. This on the other hand may be seen as a stab at those who are shy and introverted.
However, consider this situation; you find yourself in a rather awkward and silent group. You decide to crack a joke like a knock, knock joke! For example;
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Cow who?
Don’t be silly, cows say moo not who!!
This would definitely crack that silent air with a hammer and start a conversation based on poor jokes and similar instances. On the other hand this may turn out for the worse and cause a complete stale mate situation. The uncomfortable air turns thicker and it’s basically time to excuse yourself from the group and say that you need to replenish your drink with something with a little more kick.
Not all jokes are bad or completely useless, but one may need to consider the correct joke for the correct situation. It’s also based on timing. One could also consider the idea of character and that a person may just have the knack for to telling jokes and really pop that balloon of intenseness and silence.
From a personal point of view, jokes may be the best thing since the mark of communication. It may help in the best and worst situations and could be your saving grace! Think before you say anything; judge the situation and always remember the joke. Don’t forget it half way through because that’s just plain sad!


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