mission statement

Why should you read my blog? My mission with this space is to get people to think critically about the world, specifically the media that saturates EVERYTHING. You cannot go for more than 5 minutes in today’s world without being exposed to a song, a quote, advertising, television, the internet, the radio…etc. I feel that we, as consumers of media, have become blasé about the way in which we consume such media. I feel that the stuff we are exposed to can contribute substantially to the way we view the world and how we compose our own identities.

Consequently, I feel that we should look at media with much discretion and thought. You have to look for the motives of the people responsible for producing the media you consume. Why are they saying what they are saying? Why are they saying it like this? What do they want from me? These are questions that need to be asked before even considering assimilating an opinion on the item in question. This might sound highly pedantic but I feel that as soon as you have an opinion on something, you have chosen to take a particular stance and in doing so, you have added to your own identity as a journalist, student or human being.

By analysing media on our blog, we intend on showing people how we think before we consume media. We hope to get other people to join this process of thought. We are not as worried about the actual opinions we convey or receive. We are just concerned with getting people to think critically about what they see and hear. This is because the nature of the world in which we live is such that it is nearly impossible not to consume media and therefore not be influenced by it unless you were to live as a hermit in a cave somewhere. We find that media is being made more and more consciously (in that the people who are responsible for its construction, do so with specific aims and goals in mind when they envisage people consuming their work). The industry of media construction can have a lot of power in the world today. They could easily begin to govern the manner in which we think. This is why I believe we need to promote critical thinking in the sphere of media consumption.


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